What Our Clients Have To Say
I appreciate very much the competent and courteous help extended to me by your very capable Income Tax Preparer — ANNIE!. It is a fantastic service you make available to those of us needing her assistance. I learned about you from Travis Credit Union.
“I moved to Dixon after graduating high school. I was lost and confused and I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life. I was going down a wrong road leading to destruction. Since receiving services at DFS I feel like I’m on the right road and gained some direction and plenty of support. I don’t know where I would be without DFS. I go to Solano full time and recently got a part time job.” -Client G
“You guys are always so kind & helpful” – Client K
Cookie, Thank you so much for your dedication and service to our community. I know that I am not “physically” there to help, but be assured of my continued love, prayers, and support for you and Dixon Family Services. You have done a tremendous amount of work to keep DFS a vital service for our Dixon community. Thank You. ~~Mary Ann Courville