How to Have a Food Drive or Other Products Drive

How to Have a Food Drive or Other Products Drive

– It’s Easier Than You Think


  • A Food Drive can be as large or as small as you are comfortable with. Consider how much time and effort you can afford as well as how many helpers you will have
  • Decide on a time period. Examples:  November 4 – December 18 to be able to give to the recipient organization by Christmas, or July 15 – August 15 for school supplies to students
  • Pick a theme – Decide what you will be asking people to donate

All Foods                                           Lunch Foods                         Recyclables

Canned Foods                                 Diapers                                 Personal Care Items

Boxed Foods                                    Toilet Paper                         School Supplies

Paper Products                               Clothing                               Coats/Jackets


  • Make a list of desired items. Example: if trying to get food for lunches, list could include peanut butter; jelly; tuna, chicken and other canned meats; fruits; cookies; bread; etc.
  • Decide who you are reaching out to for the Drive. For example:

Open to the public                         In Your neighborhood      Service Organizations

Employees at your job                  Church Parishioners          School(s)

Group of businesses


  • Get containers (Heavy boxes or plastic tubs) – You can get them at the big box stores
  • Decide where to put the containers and lists so people will notice them
  • Advertise the Drive.

Make and circulate flyers to those you want to donate

Explain how donations can make a difference to the people in need

Contact local news media with press releases and photos

Make and hang posters in strategic locations

Send emails out to as many contacts as you can

Use Social Media to get the word out

  • Make arrangements to take donations to food pantry/agency on a specific day and time
  • Arrange for volunteers with vehicles for delivery


Important note: It is not recommended that people ask for anything that requires refrigeration.