Dear Friends of Dixon Family Services,
Download “Letter to the Community”
We recognize that this is the busiest time of the year for most people and that a task such as responding to a donation request letter can easily be set aside or lost in a pile of similar requests from many other organizations. We know, because it is our busiest time of year too. Many people living in poverty seek our assistance in the wintertime.
We want to remind you about our recent request sent out in the fall 2019, as well as to remind you that when you give to Dixon Family Services you are helping us to help families in need right here in our own community of Dixon.
This letter is not to pester you, but as a friendly reminder that there is still time to make a charitable, tax-deductible donation to us before the end of the year. You can send a check to DFS, 155 North Second Street, Dixon, CA 95620 or conveniently use your credit card and PayPal on our website,
For your tax purposes, our non-profit tax identification number is 68-0041829
You have been generous to our organization before and it is our sincere hope that you will continue to help us in our mission to improve lives and to keep children safe, healthy and thriving. We need your support now more than ever.
Thank you so much for your consideration and for your kindheartedness.
We wish you and your family the Happiest of Holidays.
Sincerely from, Everyone at Dixon Family Services!!
We hope that you will also act as an advocate and refer people you know to us if they are experiencing hard times. Ask them to call Dixon Family Services at 707-678-0442 and we will do our best to help them solve their problems.
We could not do all we do without the help and support from our community.
Some facts about Dixon Family Services:
People in Dixon consider Dixon Family Services as an information and referral agency that can give them phone numbers, website addresses and other contact information for a wide variety of human services programs and other organizations that have the resources they need. We also have lists of resources on our website for job search, veteran’s services, homeless services and many other support systems. If we do not have what someone is looking for, we do research and get back to them with what we find.
We are here to provide basic needs services to families who are struggling to make ends meet. Our case managers do complete assessments with clients to find areas that can be addressed to move them closer to self-reliance. Action plans are created with specific goals and steps. Budgets and savings plans are often key activities. Employment development is another. Financial support for rent, utilities, food and other basic needs can sometimes be attained with the assistance of case managers who will apply to basic needs programs on behalf of the client.
The DFS Food Pantry provides emergency food bags to families and individuals, supplemental groceries to families in DFS programs as well as a Holiday Food Distribution in December.
We also provide counseling for substance abuse, depression, anger management, marital /partnership problems, domestic violence, child abuse and other behavioral health issues.
In addition to the services and programs that we provide at Dixon Family Services, there are co-located partners who also provide much-needed supportive services such as the WIC Program, the Cal-Works Program, Cal Fresh/Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, Legal Services, Food Bank Produce Truck and other programs that people in Dixon would otherwise have to travel to other cities to access.
Dixon Family Services has been providing preventative and supportive services to residents of Dixon and the surrounding rural areas since 1984. We are a non-government, non-profit 501-c-3 that relies on the generosity of the community, businesses, foundations and fund raising efforts and events.
To learn more about Dixon Family Services, what we do, and how you can help please visit our website