
Dixon Family Services is a community-based organization serving Dixon and the surrounding rural areas since 1984.  Our one-stop-shop of social services helps hundreds of people each year achieve goals such as employment, financial stability, improved nutrition, escape from domestic violence, sobriety, emotional wellness, positive parenting skills, safe and healthy homes and family cohesiveness.  Many are now active and giving members of this community.

Founded in 1984, Dixon Family Services programs have grown and changed
to fit the needs of this community

All Services Are Offered In English and Spanish

Levels of success are directly related to participant willingness to take steps in action plans

Dixon Family Services is a Family Resource Center and non-profit organization striving to reduce and prevent child abuse and provide supportive services to children and families in Dixon

Program hours are currently Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 10-12 and 1-4.  Closed for lunch, 12-1

You MUST call for an appointment.  We are NOT taking walk-in clients for any reason.

The best way to start our helping process is to call and schedule an appointment 707 678-0442.  Leave a brief message and a call-back number.  Include city you live in, the help you are seeking, and a good number to reach you.

Or email info@dixonfamilyservices.org and leave a message.

All Services Are Offered In English and Spanish and on a Case-by-Case Basis

Levels of success are directly related to participants’ willingness to set goals and take steps necessary to achieve objectives and the ultimate goal of self-reliance 

Our Current programs include:

  • Information and Referrals – Connecting people to the help they seek for themselves or their loved ones. If a caller is looking for a service we do not have at DFS, we do our best to provide contact information for other programs that might be a good referral.
  • Basic Needs Program – Assists low to moderate income families struggling financially due to job loss or other unexpected expenses that result in getting behind on rent or utilities.

 NOTE:  currently funds are available to help people financially specific to Covid-19 circumstances

Holiday Food Programs in November and December for families with children

  • Outstation for Multiple Government Programs DFS building provides offices or parking lot space for the WIC Program 707 678-0717, Solano County Health and Social Services (CalWORKs, Food Stamps, MEDI-Cal) 707 469-4500, CC/Solano Food Bank Free Produce Truck 707 421-9777, CC/Solano Food Bank Cal-Fresh (Food Stamps) 925-348-3631.

Call to ask them for their next day/time at Dixon Family Services.

  • Safety Net Services ProgramBasic Needs Assistance to Dixon residents without children when funding is available

We do not have mental health or substance abuse counseling at this time.

For more information:
Call 678-0442
Go to www.dixonfamilyservices.org
Dixon Family Services Facebook
Email info@dixonfamilyservices.org

Dixon Family Services Board of Directors President, Sarah Villec, Named Citizen of the Year by Dixon Chamber of Commerce

Dixon Family Services Board President, Sarah Villec, was recognized by Congressman John Garamendi as one of the Women of The Year

“Dixon Family Services Board of Directors President, Sarah Villec, Named Citizen of the Year by Dixon Chamber of Commerce ” – Link to the newspaper articles…

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Dixon Family Services Thanks This Generous Community for the Opportunities to Make a Difference for Those Struggling

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many of our long-time donors increased their giving and we are very happy to have established various new partnerships.  Currently all of our funding comes from non-government grants, donations from businesses, corporations, foundations, churches and individuals.  We also appreciate that our supporters are willing to send us checks in order to offset the lost revenue from usual fund-raising events and related sponsorships until all restrictions are lifted and people feel safe in an indoor setting.

 We have also been posting shout-outs to our donors on our Facebook and Instagram pages.  You can click on our Facebook Icon on the right of any website page to go directly to Dixon Family Services’ Facebook page.  Please like us and share.  Thank you

For more on this story about our donors, click here.

Dixon Family Services has a banner in front of the building with blue pinwheels spinning in the spring wind during the month of April as one way to remind people that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month and that there are things we can all do to reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect. __READ MORE

Cookie Powell, Dixon Family Services (DFS)         

155 North Second Street * Dixon, CA 95620

707-678-0442, www.DixonFamilyServices.org, Cookie@DixonFamilyServices.org

I began in this important career in February 1995 once my youngest of four children was in school full days.  As a native of Dixon (Dixon High Class of 1970), strengthening families in this community through my work at Dixon Family Services is incredibly meaningful.

I am so proud of the DFS staff members who made the decision to continue coming to work throughout 2020 and now into 2021 during a very dangerous time of Coronavirus.  We do this because the need is higher now than ever before for our help to low and moderate-income households.  We are serving people who never had to ask for help before.

Our plan is to continue to do as much as we can, for as many as we can, for as long as we can.  Help from individuals, businesses, churches, foundations and organizations is critical and very much appreciated. 

All of us at Dixon Family Services are honored to be making a difference for so many, with the support of our caring and generous community!

I love what I do and the people I work with and it is still a pleasure to come to work every day.

Dixon Family Services and Solano Community College Have Been Partners For Many Years

Solano Community College offers a certificate program and an AA degree program for those who plan to work in the Human Services field.  Many students who plan to pursue a 4 year degree in Social Work can also use the Solano courses towards that end when they transfer to Sac State or other colleges.
__Read More

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Corona Virus Statement late September
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FOOD RESOURCES IN DIXON, English and Spanish
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_Stress Relief During Covid-19
_Stress Relief For Caregivers And Kids During Covid-19

CLICK HERE – to view the KUIC PSA

Hometown Segment




Dixon Family Services has a banner in front of the building with blue pinwheels spinning in the spring wind during the month of April as one way to remind people that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month and that there are things we can all do to reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect.
During these unusual times of the Coronavirus outbreak and “Shelter in Place” restrictions, unfortunately, we worry that there may be additional circumstances in homes that can trigger abusive behaviors.
Losses of jobs, financial stress, children and parents having to stay at home during times they would normally be in school or at work, being “on edge”/anxious about what comes next, increased consumption of alcoholic beverages and other substances, are just a few of the conditions we believe can initiate abusive environments in homes.
As a community we have a responsibility to nurture and protect our children and help ensure they become healthy and productive adults. Child abuse, in its many forms, happens every day and has major impacts on the futures of those victimized.
Studies show that there is a direct link between child abuse and a greater risk later in life of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, eating disorders, obesity, sexual promiscuity, certain chronic diseases and suicide.
Dixon Family Services (DFS) is a community-based Family Resource Center and Counseling Center. Our non-profit organization does all it can to help ensure the safety and well-being of Dixon’s children all year long. With a special focus on low-income families with children, a priority goal is to reduce the incidences of child abuse or neglect by decreasing some basic needs worries and stressors parents increasingly face on a daily basis.
Child abuse knows no boundaries and is found in families of all socio-economic backgrounds and cuts across lines of ethnicity, culture, and education. There are a number of factors that can create increased risk of child abuse including lack of parenting skills, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, mental illness, poverty and substandard housing conditions, domestic violence, and a parent history of child abuse. These same risk factors are barriers to abusers’ acknowledgement of the problem and ability to seek programs/services intended to stop the abuse such as parenting classes, counseling or other approaches.
To learn more about child abuse, prevention and how to report and what you can do to help, go to www.partnersinprevention.org.
To learn more about Dixon Family Services, the programs we have that can reduce incidences of child abuse and neglect, visit www.dixonfamilyservices.org
If looking for a particular program that we do not provide, we will do our best to guide you to the right resources. Call us at 707 678-0442 and we will be happy to help. If you have a question we do not have the answer for, we will research and find answers and get back to you. Please, make the call. Do not hesitate to report what you think might be abusive behavior. Let professionals help you determine if your concerns are worth reporting to authorities. Others to call include local Police and Solano Child Welfare Services (800) 544-8696.

Cookie Powell on KUIC

Robert G Lee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABt26ds1XiQ&t=48s

Robert G Lee information: Comedy Night 2020 Robert G Lee

KUIC’s John Young announcement:


My name is Cookie Powell and I am the Executive Director of Dixon Family Services.  Thank you so much for your interest in our organization.

We have been providing needed services in this community since 1984 when we started with one program to support elementary school children exhibiting behavioral issues in school.

Over the years we have grown in our services as well as our target populations to include people of all ages, and there have been thousands of success stories.  Our one-stop-shop of human services programs continues to impact families and individuals in a positive way, helping people achieve goals such as employment, financial stability, self-sufficiency, sobriety, escape from domestic violence, positive parenting, family cohesiveness, and many are now active and productive members of our community.

This presentation will provide a brief overview of Dixon Family Services and it is our hope that you will want to become a partner in our mission to improve the quality of life for families and individuals in our diverse community.

Community Support is Essential to our Success.

Child Abuse and Neglect

Why Is Community Involvement Important?

National Child Abuse Prevention Month is an opportunity to share the importance of individuals and communities working together to keep families safe and healthy.  Everyone has a role to play in making sure that our community is a great place for children and families to thrive.

When the well-being of children and families becomes the priority of everyone in a community, child abuse and neglect will decrease.  All children deserve great childhoods and should be raised in healthy, nurturing homes, free from abuse and neglect.  Children who are raised in supportive, stable and nurturing environments are more likely to lead healthy and successful lives.


What Can You Do?

There is much work to do in educating families and professionals about child abuse/neglect and its profound effects.  We need to educate parents about parenting skills and to create an aware and involved public about issues related to child abuse.

You can take individual steps to ensure children are safe in your personal orbits and neighborhoods and you can also help by supporting organizations, such as Dixon Family Services, that have an overarching goal of preventing child abuse, neglect and other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with prevention, early intervention and treatment programs.

Dixon Family Services is dedicated to providing information and referral services to as many families as possible.  Increased knowledge in signs to look for, access to community resources, prevention of child abuse or neglect, how to report abuse, and breaking  terrible cycles of abuse are some of the positive results from our efforts.


Many Victims Suffer Lifelong Consequences

Children who have suffered from abuse and/or neglect are at a significant disadvantage in the areas of social, emotional, and academic development.  Victims are likely to exhibit at-risk behaviors in early childhood and adolescence.  Many will go on to become perpetrators themselves, often victimizing their own children.  Survivors of child abuse are also likely to have low self-esteem, become substance abusers, and have mental health problems including depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Many inmates in prison report that they were victims of abuse in their childhood.  It is our belief that an increase in knowledge and access to services can reduce child abuse, increase family stability, bring families closer to self-sufficiency, reduce crime and reduce the number of families in need of government benefits.


Risk Factors

Child abuse/neglect is found in families of all socio-economic backgrounds and cuts across lines of ethnicity, culture, and education.  There are a number of factors that can create increased risk of child abuse including lack of parenting skills, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, mental illness, poverty and substandard housing conditions, domestic violence, and a parent history of child abuse.  These same risk factors are barriers to abusers’ acknowledgement of the problem and ability to access help such as counseling, parenting classes or other approaches to help stop the abuse.


Resiliency Factors

Dixon Family Services is a one-stop shop of social services.  In addition to our own programs, we have representatives from the WIC Program (Women, Infants and Children), Cal-Fresh (Food Stamps) CCSolano Food Bank and other organizations at Dixon Family Services to make it convenient for Dixon residents to access all services.

Our Case Management Department provides support in Basic Needs such as rental assistance, budgeting, employment development, utility bills, food and other family strengthening services. 

As a Family Resource Center, it is our policy to identify and support The Five Protective Factors: 1) parental resilience, 2) social connections, 3) knowledge of parenting and child development, 4) concrete support in times of need, and 5) social and emotional development of children.

We can make referrals to local agencies that provide parenting classes, mental health counseling, and other programs that can help parents provide nurturing, safe and healthy homes


Dixon Family Services has a history of being very involved in the community with longstanding partnerships and collaborations.  We formed a community-wide collaboration of churches, clinics, school counseling, food programs, police, library, legal aid, domestic violence, nutrition-focused and Solano County Departments or agencies that can provide various types of human services to Dixon’s residents.  Meeting monthly, we each share about our programs and services that can be helpful to clients that we may have in common.  We also discuss needs, barriers, trends and possible solutions.

A release of information signed by people seeking help allows us to assist them in a more focused and substantial way by reaching out to and including our partners as part of the holistic approach to service delivery.


How Can We Make a Difference?

We continue to work with our partners to reduce incidences of child abuse and neglect.  We will seek out additional funding sources.  Additional funds will allow us to see more people with more in-depth services and to follow their cases for longer periods.  We want to meet families at their readiness levels and build from there.  Unrestricted funds are needed to serve the families who normally “fall between the cracks”, including the most vulnerable populations, people living at or below poverty, families living paycheck to paycheck as well as undocumented residents.

Child Abuse Knows No Boundaries

We Need To Be Unrestricted In Our Approach To Preventing It