What’s New


There is a fund raising event planned for Dixon Family Services (DFS) on Friday,  May 21 in the parking lot at 155 North Second Street (corner of B and 2nd).  DRIVE and DINE for DFS is the name and the plan is to have a drive-thru barbeque from 4 – 6:30 PM.

Dixon Lions Club volunteers will cook and slice mouth-watering tri-tip beef.  Others are welcome to provide additional food and necessary items to round out the meals.  There will be a planning meeting in April to finalize all aspects and assign volunteers to all specific tasks related to the event to assure that the event will run smoothly and be a great success.  The date and time for the planning meeting has not been scheduled yet and will be made public soon through DFS social media and in a future press release.

For the second year in a row DFS could not plan a Comedy Night but we are still optimistic that there WILL be a Comedy Night 2022.  So many faithful supporters of DFS love that event and we promise it will be back!  In the meantime the Drive and Dine is a Covid-19 friendly event in which participants do not even have to park or get out of their cars.  This event will meet Covid regulations even if, Heaven forbid, Solano County goes back into the Purple Tier as it is currently being speculated.

Dixon Family Services has been helping Covid-19 affected households each week since March 2020 with their rent, utilities, food and other essential basic needs.  The Drive and Dine will generate additional funds to allow DFS to continue assisting families, children and individuals struggling right now in our community.

Making a difference in our community through DFS can be as simple as purchasing a delicious meal ticket.  Tickets are a $35 donation and each dinner ticket also comes with 10 free raffle tickets and a chance to win the door prize.  You will also have the pleasure of service to your car window by smiling (behind a mask of course) volunteers on a beautiful May afternoon.

Other ways to help the event to be profitable include being a Gold ($1,000) or Silver ($500) sponsor, making a financial donation of any amount and/or donating raffle prizes.  All are good ways to support the event and to get recognition in our social media posts and press releases leading up to the May 21 event.

We already have some great prizes to win and you can check them out on the DFS Face Book and Instagram pages.  Bring an extra $20 bill if you’d like to purchase additional raffle tickets to increase your chances to win one or more of the great prizes.

Our social media team is Mae and Kaeli of Tully Consulting Group.  Mae and Kaeli put in countless volunteer hours posting important information on the Dixon Family Services Facebook and Instagram pages about DFS services as well as other human services programs we think may be of help to people in our community.

One goal of a successful event is to have no items listed in the “expenses” column of the final report.  It is our hope to have all required expenses donated.  For example, our tickets were designed and printed by The Printing Shop for no charge.  Area newspapers Dixon Tribune, Independent Voice and Vacaville Reporter provide free press coverage.  The Solano Your Town Monthly gave us a free ad in the April Edition of the Dixon/Winters magazine.  KUIC provides free PSAs for DFS all year long with a special emphasis when we are putting on a fundraising event.

Businesses or individuals who would like to cover other event expenses, become sponsors or provide raffle prizes can call Cookie Powell at 707-678-0442, email cookie@dixonfamilyservices.org or call Sarah Villec at 707-678-5594.  Cookie or Sarah can also help those who want to purchase tickets.  Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to learn more and please like us and help us spread the good word about Dixon Family Services.

As always, we are so very thankful for the support of our community.


Dixon Family Services and Solano Community College Have Been Partners For Many Years

Dixon Family Services and Solano Community College Have Been Partners For Many Years

Solano Community College offers a certificate program and an AA degree program for those who plan to work in the Human Services field.  Many students who plan to pursue a 4 year degree in Social Work can also use the Solano courses towards that end when they transfer to Sac State or other colleges.


One requirement of Solano’s program is to do internships at businesses that provide human services.  One such placement is Dixon Family Services (DFS) and through the years it has been a blessing for our organization to have the helpful students who are eager to learn and grow in their fieldwork placement.


Left – Ashley, Right – Stephanie

This semester DFS has two very capable and proficient young ladies, Stephanie Medina and Ashley Barber.  Both began putting in their volunteer hours in February and will be with us through April.  They have been keeping the rest of us on task with our Basic Needs Program and with our Information and Referral services.  If you have called DFS recently you probably got a very pleasant and empathetic answer or return call from Stephanie or Ashley.


We have been very busy with our services for low-income households struggling to meet their most basic of needs such as rent, utilities, food and other necessities.  Covid-19 created a new layer of need for many who lost jobs were lost or had their hours severely reduced due to business closures mandated by the government restrictions.  Many of the people we are helping now had never needed assistance before Covid.


Stephanie and Ashley could not have come to us at a better time.  They are helping us keep up with a high volume of calls for help, information and navigation of application systems.  They have also been working with case managers to summarize closed case files, do brief assessments, schedule appointments and explain what documents and other information will be needed at the appointments.  They are also helping us distribute bags of groceries.


They are sometimes able to sit in and “shadow” during case management appointments.  This is a term we use when clients do not mind for a student to be in the room to listen and learn.  Watching a seasoned staff member helping people with their various situations in person is very effective and meaningful.  They have already learned a lot from their Solano courses in case management, counseling, group facilitation, diversity and others.  Getting to work with actual clients and learning from real experience is a step above role-playing in the classrooms.  Those in charge of Solano’s Human Services Department know this and it is why the field placement courses are required.


Stephanie is planning to transfer to Sac State next year to achieve her Master’s Degree in Social Work with an eventual goal of being a Master Social Worker (MSW).  Her area of interest is in neonatal; to help new mothers and their families with support and guidance they need to ease stress that comes with care of a newborn.


In her own words, “My experience at DFS has helped my communication skills in the social services environment, improve in the way I speak with clients who are in need, to make them feel comfortable.  The knowledge I am receiving from each staff member has been very helpful.”


Stephanie went on to say “Being an intern at DFS has given me a glance of what to expect for the career I am choosing, actually experiencing it firsthand.  Helping in any way I can whether it be a simple phone call with information, especially during these Covid times, or distributing food makes me even more excited for my career path in social work.”


Ashley also had some things to say about her placement at DFS and her planned future in social work.  “I am currently pursuing my Associates degree in Human Services at Solano Community College and plan to transfer to Sacramento State to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work.  In the future I would love to pursue counseling and open my own private practice for Family and Marriage Therapy, amongst other things.


My experience at DFS has been very informative and educational.  I’ve been given the opportunity to learn practical and professional skills, as well as develop a greater ability to interact with multiple individuals with diverse sets of needs.


I love being able to grow my skills at DFS while also helping individuals receive the aid and hope they’ve been needing.  Knowing I get to play a role in others achieving their goals is extremely encouraging and serves as a great reminder of why I want to continue helping people!”


I always explain up front to students considering an internship at Dixon Family Services that they are sure to see and hear a wide variety of situations and reasons for people to need human services assistance during their time with us.  Once you have been a member of Team DFS, you are forever considered part of the family and we will want updates on your career and personal milestones as you go on with your life.


Some interns at DFS have taken paid positions that have come open while they were doing their field work.  A huge percentage of all DFS interns from all colleges and universities have gone on to successful careers in mental health, substance abuse, senior care, veterans services,  administration and other areas of social work.  They are working in hospitals, schools, large private agencies and in many different government facilities making a living at what they love to do – help people.


DFS is proud to know that there are many great Social Workers now in successful careers and look back at their time at DFS as enriching, important, educational, and supportive at a time when they were charting out their futures.  We know this because we hear back from them often.  Like I said before, they become part of the family.



We have our sign-up dates scheduled and they are from Wednesday December 2 through Thursday December 10.  Those interested should call DFS to schedule an application appointment with a DFS case manager.  Application assessments will be done on an appointment basis and can take from 20-30 minutes.  Please wear a mask and if possible, do not bring children with you to the assessment.


Due to Covid-19 we do not accept walk-in clients, so please call to make an appointment or to ask any questions.  Thank you.


Our program is for Dixon families who have children 0-18 living in the household.  When you call for an appointment we will explain any documentation that you will need to bring to your appointment with you.  Please call us at 707 678-0442 or email us at info@dixonfamilyservices.org to find out more about the Dixon Family Services Holiday Food Program.


Distribution will take place on Wednesday, December 16.  All food for the program comes from donations by churches, businesses or individual community members; from local food drives and purchases at the CC Solano Food Bank with donation checks from people who want to help in stocking our DFS Food Pantry shelves for the holidays.  Call DFS if you want to help.


In November and December we plug in our large freezers to accept turkeys and other meats that are donated by individuals, businesses, churches and other groups.  Some local businesses have established some very interesting and fun ways for their patrons to participate in the giving spirit, such as the Dixon Buckhorn and their Annual Turkey Bowl. 


Some local large companies, such as Altec give turkeys to their employees and also provide them the option of donating their turkey to DFS for our Holiday Food Program.  All turkeys, hams and other large roasts are very much appreciated by the families we serve.


Dixon Family Services also tries to be aware of and will pass on information about other holiday food and toys programs in our area so that families can get signed up for as much help as they can.  We welcome churches or other organizations that are providing a holiday program of any kind to reach out to us and let us know how to apply.


If we know the requirements and application processes for other local programs we can tell the people who call us.  We can also post information and flyers on our Facebook page.  We believe it takes community cooperation by all entities to provide the best service opportunities for those we all strive to serve. 


This holiday season is especially important to help families struggling in light of the Covid-19 challenges so many are facing.


For more information about the Dixon Family Services Holiday Food Program, how to sign-up or how to help please call us at 707 678-0442.  Leave a message if we are not available when you call, or email info@dixonfamilyservices.org